Saturday, November 21, 2009

In The Meantime...

While I've not had time to compose any erudite observations on the current human condition lately, I have had time to work on "It's High Time We Talk" at There's some amusing stuff there. Bookmark it, 'cuz we still have at least 2 more '09 shows. Check it out & I'll be back in action as soon as my life normalizes....

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Outta Commission for a little while

Sorry If I'm outta commission for a bit, but I'm building a new chicken store in Springfield, MA and am actually doing some of the grunt work myself so my mind is a shot as my body after these 10 - 12 hour days. I'll be back in my old form very shortly as we are close to completion. I certainly welcome anyone who's in my area to stop by when we open at:

Impoco's Poultry Market
468 Walnut St.
Springfield, MA 01105
(413) 734-6359


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Who Would Figure???

Right when we're in the federal government's greatest grab for power in it's history, the BHO administration very ignorantly relinquished U.S. control over the internet. By not renewing the US government's contract with ICANN they have allowed foreign entities to have a decision-making voice in the way We The People surf the deep dark portals of the net. Unbelievable in a sense, but if you look closely what's happening is simply another bash at national sovereignty. It's bad enough we are (supposedly) led by an apologist, but also by one who is openly flaunting his ineffectiveness on the world stage. Look at how he's been treated by Putin, Ahmedinajihad, Chavez, Sarkozy, the IOC, North Korea, Quadaffi, the list goes on...

Back to the ICANN issue, this is just one more step towards globalization, towards a one world economy, a one world governance, a one world police force, a one world police state...I know that I, for one certainly wouldn't like the same decision making body in China to decide the hows and whats of my internet usage. A good place to start for background on this story is here:

I routinely have to point out that many of the "Great Changes" that BHO & the uber-liberal congress are implementing are ones with far reaching consequences. They are policies that won't be able to be reversed at the ballot box or simply by change of leadership. Including getting an actual REAL president. Regarding the Olympic debacle - The Chicago Sun-Times is blaming the city's loss on George W. Bush. No wonder they're losing readership, they've certainly lost credibility with THAT one...

I don't know what to do. I suppose the right thing would be to try what the valiant citizens of the Honduras are doing. Then maybe Chavez, Putin, Ahmeweenijahd and the others would give BHO the respect on the world stage that he is so desperately seeking. Try that and we'll be overrun with UN troops in a chicago second...

Ya know I've been kinda mean to BHO this time around. It's not really all his fault. He's just implementing a far deeper reaching policy that was pre-ordained far before he ever thought of entering the political universe. Perhaps he should do what he does best. Go back to serving beers and resolving conflicts between the police and grieved citizens. Oh that's right that's what a community organizer does! Right?...

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Smokescreen of the Behemoth

Our trusted news providers - both print and broadcast seem to have gotten lost in the jungle of the 21st century, attempting to follow their own trail of deceits, half-truths, and obfuscations back to the clearing of truth.

So do we really think we have the best media on the planet? How about this. ACORN boldly waves voter registration fraud in the nation's face with clear implications that even more thuggery lies beneath the surface. Major network and cable news organizations as well as the ranking and established print media flounder while internet journalists are bogged down. Enter James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles - an independent film maker and a young journalism student who boldly go where no lumbering new organization dared venture and, with the help of Andrew Breitbart's and eventually FOX News, VIOLA - the nefarious ACORN is tumbled like the oak that it fell from. How is it that these two young folks with virtually no budget (as compared to the news giants) could be so effective whilst the high powered names once again succeed in only blowing smoke up our collective asses while continually tantalizing us with what may be yet to come???

We are currently in a curious phase where the media is enjoying the consumption of itself. Fox bashes MSNBC who bashes Rush Limbaugh who bashes Anderson Cooper (so do I) who bashes Sean Hannity who bashes everyone. Time bashes Glenn Beck...Glenn Beck bashes everyone...

While I quite often disagree with punditry who use histrionics and fear mongering to convey important information, I do usually agree with those same talking heads. I feel that the unnecessary antics cheapen the message and alienate a much needed, level headed segment of society. A good case in point is Time magazine's (Time/Warner Inc. IS one of the THEYS in "THEY did THIS to US") cover last week. The periodical displayed a photo of Glenn Beck with the caption "Mad Man" while totally ignoring the tremendous march on Washington D.C. (in which I proudly participated). I agree with Beck that the cover should have acknowledged the tens of thousands of us who expressed our concerns about the actions of our government and the future of our great nation, but I also feel that it is Beck's on-air behavior that opened the door to the criticism (he's cried on air more times since he signed onto FOX, than I have in my entire adult life), thus cheapening his message.

I do realize that all this sensationalism is deemed necessary by network executives for the almighty ratings grab, and it does seem that the huge payouts provided to these media celebs are directly related to the controversy created, BUT do they really think we're that stupid to swallow all this crap? I suppose the key is to assimilate the news and digest that while ignoring the entertainment aspects of these broadcasts. I sometimes think that we elevate these volatile individuals to such a status in the hopes of an on-air breakdown. Americans love to watch our society implode while railing against it - and I'm no exception to that one. If Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow has a breakdown during their show, you can be sure I'll tune in...(Nah, maybe not Olbermann or Maddow but who cares about them!)

While I'm discussing media and truth, I would like to point out that the only place in print, broadcast or online where you'll hear the REAL truth is at the talk show "It's High Time We Talk". O.K. I'm being sarcastic here, but a good example is during the Washington DC 9/12 call in episode. During the course of the reportage of the news coverage of the event, my co-hosts report that CNN is actually providing favorable coverage (to my surprise). At a later point in the conversation I report via cell phone from DC that my fellow protesters were telling the CNN team to "Go Home" and were calling them "Douchebags". Granted CNN's past reporting practices have warranted this sort of preemptive attitude, but certainly the post reporting would have been more favorable if this emotional outburst of ideology had not occurred. This story has been reported no where except by the Crooked Hook team...

On different but related note; I've followed numerous discussions in print, online and yes even broadcast media concerning at least three of the THEYS. Jeffery Immelt (CEO of GE, Bilderberger and advisor to BHO), George Soros (Partisan billionaire who scored big during the current US economic crisis, Bilderberger and bigwig, also BHO confidant), and David Rockefeller (multi-nationalsist, Bilderberg bigwig and financial giant, heir of a dynasty). Keep up the pressure on them. THEY are behind the Obama admin's move towards globablism. If you've ever wondered why some individuals achieve the positions that they occupy regardless of qualifications, remember who's REALLY pulling the strings. after all, THEY did THIS to US...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Washington DC 912

Yeah, I'm one of the Tea Baggers...Isn't that what Anderson Cooper called us. I really can't say here all the things I've called him since, but if you check out episodes 5 & 6 - 2009 of "It's High Time We Talk" on, you'll get some clue.

Anyhow, I spent the entire day yesterday 09/12/09, in Washington DC. Man, what a turnout - had to be at least 60,000 solid, American citizens there voicing their displeasure with the way things are going in DC. I sure felt proud to be an American yesterday. Look for pictures on the Crooked Hook site in the next few days.

I just wanted to put up this short post to say THANK YOU!!! to everyone who was there and to the organizers. When the next one rolls around, I'm there...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Constitutional Crisis?!?!?!?

I dunno! Are we or aren't we in a constitutional crisis? I think we are, but many of my confidants feel otherwise. I suppose this belief is split almost along a right/left dichotomy. Personally, I don't think it's a right/left issue as much as an AMERICAN issue. I mean once the 1st Amendment is swallowed up by bill H.R. 1341, the Fairness Doctrine, and the president's attempt at usurping control of the private sector portions of the internet when he deems it a "National Emergency", both ideologies will suffer. Once our 2nd Amendment rights succumb to the numerous legislations, the CIFTA treaty, the US Customs Service's proposal to ban any pocket knife that can be opened with one hand, and the other socialist attempts to disable the population's ability to protect itself, then will the liberals suffer any less than the conservatives? When the proposed security force - dubbed "Obama's Army" because of his call for a domestic force "equal in strength to the US military" marches down the streets of our cities and towns will they ask our who we voted for? (They probably will!) I mean, why does the administration feel the need for such a security force. Don't they trust the military? Are they planning something in which they feel the military will oppose them ? Is it because they are alienating the military and intelligence communities by persecuting and prosecuting those who are prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice in order to preserve the very freedoms that the politicians are striving to curtail?

Perhaps I feel as I do because I am concerned about living under a one party system. Now I've heard it argued - most recently on "It's High Time We Talk" at - that we've had situations in the past where Presidents have enjoyed a same party filibuster proof majority in Congress before. But prior to the current scenario, we had more politicians who were not idealogues, who would actually represent their constituents and not their party. There is currently no system of checks & balances. It is this feeling of a "runaway train" that has given rise to the Tea Party movement, comprised predominately of average citizens - many of whom had not previously held any great political convictions. These are not extremist nut-cases, radicals or militants (as is much of the current administration). These are average, every day, hard working, mostly middle class citizens who feel disenfranchised. These are Citizens who feel that too much is happening too fast. Recent polls have shown that many voters have switched their voter registration status to either "independent" or "unenrolled", while other polls have shown that as much as 57% of the country are now considering themselves "conservative". This is the segment of society that feels they were not adequately represented by either candidate in November of 2008. This is the segment of the population that feels the need to do something. But what? What recourse is available to the average citizen who has found that their voices are no longer counted. What redress is there to We The People, who are not fortunate enough to belong to a group that can wield a high powered, well placed lobbyist to ensure our positions are properly paid for and legislated upon?

I've said this before and it seems I've got to say it again: "AS LONG AS THEY KEEP US AT EACH OTHER'S THROATS, WE CAN'T GO FOR THEIRS!!! "

I would suggest that a Special Election needs to be held for both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each sitting member would be challenged by 2 - that's right two - opponents, one of which would be from the incumbent's same party. In the interest of national security, the elections for each body should be held separately. They should not be immediate, but expedient, forgoing the intensive media hype that is part and parcel of the current election process. The less personal smearing and campaign blustering the better. While there is not much time until the next regular election cycle, there is certainly enough of a period to enact legislation that is capable of tearing asunder the societal fabric of America.

While I'm in rant mode I have a couple more things about which to opine. The first is my new favorite question: "What do you think has caused more damage to the American way of life? Drugs or Television? " Think about it and, as always, feel free to comment. Now, how about one of my more hairbrained ideas...What if we did away with the President's Press Secretary? Make him speak to the press and the people directly. It's always easier to lie through a lackey. And what about this? Last May, the BHO admin has sold off the entire wheat reserves, held in the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust with no commitment to replenish. Now, I'm no genius, but I know you don't sell off your last morsel of food...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

We Need This Guy !!!

Check this out. I'm voting for him in 2012!!!

Below is an e-mail that is circulating which is attributed to Dr. William H. Cosby:


(1). Any use of the phrase: 'Press 1 for English' is immediately banned. English is the official language; speak it or wait outside of our borders until you can.

(2). We will immediately go into a two year isolationist attitude in order to straighten out the greedy big business posture in this country. America will allow NO imports, and we'll do no exports. We will use the 'Wal-Mart 's policy, 'If we ain't got it, you don't need it.' We'll make it here and sell it here!

(3).. When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it coming in here.

(4). All retired military personnel will be required to man one of the many observation towers located on the southern border of the United States (six month tour). They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens.

(5). Social Security will immediately return to its original state. If you didn't put nuttin in, you ain't gettin nuttin out. Neither the President nor any other politician will be able to touch it.

(6). Welfare. -- Checks will be handed out on Fridays, at the end of the 40 hour school week, the successful completion of a urinalysis test for drugs, and passing grades.

(7). Professional Athletes -- Steroids? The FIRST time you check positive you're banned from sports ... for life.

(8). Crime - We will adopt the Turkish method, i.e., the first time you steal, you lose your right hand. There is no more 'life sentences'. If convicted of murder, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for the victim you killed: gun, knife, strangulation, etc.

(9).. One export of ours will be allowed: wheat; because the world needs to eat. However, a bushel of wheat will be the exact price of a barrel of oil.

(10). All foreign aid, using American taxpayer money, will immediately cease and the saved money will help to pay off the national debt and, ultimately, lower taxes. When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask The American People if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision as to whether, or not, it's a worthy cause.

(11). The Pledge of Allegiance will be said every day at school and every day in Congress.

(12). The National Anthem will be played at all appropriate ceremonies, sporting events, outings, etc.

My apology is offered if I've stepped on anyone's toes ..... nevertheless......


Sincerely, Bill Cosby


On another note be aware the BHO administration is lobbying for the president to be able to usurp control of the internet in cases of "national emergency". Funny how when the internet is used to get him elected or mobilize his community forces, it is an instrument of great change - a bastion of freedom. However, once it poses a threat to the administration's socialist agenda, once the "other side" begins to use the net as a tool of mobilization, talk of curtailing its use abounds. This is another attack by this admin upon the 1st Amendment. We cannot let this happen. If it does, I'm sure I'll be one of the first to go...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

You Betcha!!!

Man, August whizzed by. I meant last week to rant against the (former) hippies in a post on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. Time usually does that when one ages, and when one keeps as busy as possible. Even when one gives up a couple of hours sleep as I routinely do in order to DO more. Think about this: If - by the age of 72, one sleeps 8 hrs per day - then 24 years are spent sleeping, leaving only 48 years of waking activity. However, if one is dormant for only 6 hrs per day, then only 18 years are spent behind closed eyes, leaving a whopping 54 years of DOING stuff, I could really use a 32 hour day...

A lot has happened during the month to contribute to our inevitable slide into socialism. The Nevada head of ACORN has been convicted of voter fraud and has plead down to lesser charges by agreeing to drop the dime on others within the organization - both locally and nationally. The outrageous Tax & Spend mentality in Washington has reached epic proportions. BHO's Health Care agenda is abominable in that it'll end up costing We The People more than ever, stifle small business growth, and provide us with inadequate, insubstantial coverage. Oil has hit a high for 2009, Scotland has slapped the US in the face by releasing the Lockerbie bomber under Gordon Brown's failing leadership, the car dealers aren't getting paid for the "Cash For Clunkers" program - which incidentally is only an additional bailout for the auto industry - the foreign auto industry at that. (Toyota was the #1 seller). State and federal government has generated 110,000 jobs while 3 million private sector jobs were lost. Las Vegas is at an all time high unemployment level of 13.1%, California at 11.9%, New York City at 9.6% and Barack lost his cool and said "Folks In Washington are all wee-weed up" before he took a vacation on Martha's Vineyard for 20 grand. This just as he announced the revised 10 year budget deficit figures - 9 trillion!!! (I don't think I could have typed that out with the zeroes.) The same figure that was disputed when released by the Congressional Budget Office last month. All this without the cost of the aforementioned health care plan. The Justice Department has decided to take a step backwards and attempt to prosecute the CIA for interrogation issues as well as adopting the Clinton era policy of treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue, despite the fact that history has proven this method to be ineffective and dangerous. The House & Senate Democratic leadership have called the citizen protest groups all kinds of vile names, branding average American citizens as nazis, terrorists and racists even though they advocated similar protest actions - albeit more radical - during the previous administration. ( I have a few beefs with George W, Bush but that poor bastard never got a fair shake. BHO sure makes him look like a dream.) The Left wing media doesn't want to admit that it may have been a little short sighted in their BHO love-fest and remains completely in the tank for the administration while the right-wing pundits continue to increase their bankrolls by playing upon the fears and uncertainties of an increasingly disenfranchised population. Their fires are fanned by a recent Gallup Poll which reported that people who consider themselves conservative outnumber those who consider themselves liberal. In the meantime, punditry of both persuasions continually strive to maintain the left/right dichotomy. This split along ideological lines is a guaranteed cash cow and keeps us from recognizing the real threats to our society - The Beltway!!! I've said it before, and I'll say it again - "As Long As They Keep Us At Each Others' Throats, We Can't Go For Theirs".

I was going to go into a diatribe about how the hippie generation is responsible, but I would be repeating one of my previous rant - Those Damn Hippies - verbatim, so I'll include it below. The link to the original article from "The Uncommon Manifesto" is:

Those Damn Hippies

Those damn hippies. I had heard that phrase uttered around and at me throughout most of the sixties and seventies. I never, ever thought that I would utter that very same phrase all these years later.

You see, I wasn’t really of the hippie generation. I was eleven years old when Wooodstock went down. Stuck somewhere between the “Peace, Love, Dope” crowd and the “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll” folks, I idolized those ahead of me during my teenage years. After so many years of moral repression, racism, and uptight social mores, the so-called path to an “enlightend society where everyone was equal” seemed to be the modern day version of Utopia. I think they meant well, but somehow between the commercialization of the counter-culture and the actual reality of trying to enact some of the extremely liberal social policies, intention was overtaken by greed, apathy, and blind ambition.

Don’t get me wrong. The music was great, the clothes pretty cool and I always preferred to wear my hair long. BUT, for the most part, the “sexual liberation” of our culture has been taken way too far and has caused our society more harm than good. Less than a generation of loosened morality spawned the likes of Madonna (she and I are the same age, incidentally), whose music was predominately targeted towards an adolescent (and younger) audience, thereby mainstreaming her far more adult oriented image. We all stood by while a generation of children were forced to lose their innocence earlier than necessary in the name of the almighty buck. Unfortunately, this all occurred under the most often abused tenant of our constitution - the right to free speech - The First Amendment. Then, another half generation passes and along comes Bill Clinton, who basically legitimized adultery and caused another generation of American youth to believe that oral gratification was not to be considered a sexual act. Although, it could be argued that the media and partisan politicos were equally at fault for overly publicizing a situation that has been occurring since at least Thomas Jefferson (Clinton’s idol - no wonder) and in fact has been perpetuated by the world’s leaders since the beginning of recorded history.

The same holds true with “recreational” drug use. No one will argue that the drug problem in our society is a major issue, which has been exacerbated by years of an inept drug war that has only served to create huge economic concerns on both sides. There is a lot of money to be made via illicit drug trading and an equal income to be had in the eradication of said contraband. While some great ideas have emitted by those using these substances in the interest of “expanding horizons” the general populace has only been dragged into an abyss by these practices. There are really only a very select few individuals on the face of the earth that are capable of achieving any form of great awareness through subsance use - certainly not for everyman.

The desire for compassion and for the creation of a society to include all types has evolved into what is now termed “politcal correct” behavior. The inclusion of radical feminist beliefs have emasculated the male population rather than achieving the desired effect of creating equality for women. (Women have ALWAYS held the upper hand in societies since biblical times.) Under the guise of affirmative action, whole generations of citizens with european ancestry are made to feel guilty and are in fact denied the very same equal rights guaranteed to so-called minorities. In order to be more understanding and compassionate, we are now expected to be forgiving to those who wish us ill will, even if preventative opportunities are presented.

Those damn hippies, they led my generation and those who blindly followed us to the edge of the precipice, pushed us off and turned around and went to Wall Street, Hollywood, Washington DC, and even places like Seattle and Montpelier, Vermont to count their loot obtained by the sales of counter-culture ideals. Shrouded in slick packaging and appealing ambiguities, we have been sold upon ideals that have been perverted and that are only now beginning to display the decay.


Most of the icons of the day have either become the "man" that they previously railed against - case in point, Jerry Rubin, who did quite well investing in Apple Computer (among others) early on and now lives comfortably in Australia. Or they have passed on before sacrificing their ideals such as Abbie Hoffman (d. 1985) - Rubin's former Yippie partner, who prior to his passing engaged in a speaking tour with Rubin entitled "Yippie vs. Yuppie". Then there are those like Bill Ayers of Weather Underground and Barack Obama fames. They keep coming back in a fashion similar to the Herpes virus. Those were but to name a few of the movers and shakers of the day. So many more lesser known, but equally idealistic individuals permeated our universities, media organizations, and public sector jobs in order to advance their socialistic one-world order agenda. The hope and change that this generation offered when they were young was far less scarier than the hope and change that they are cramming down our throats today.

I've spent the last couple of days listening to and editing the "First Season" of "It's High Time We Talk" for a best of type compilation tentatively entitled "Highlights & Lowlights:. While the CD will contain primarily the more humorous moments of our escapades, there has proven to be some very thought provoking moments as well. We update on an irregular basis as is befitting our characters. Think Cheech & Chong meet Dennis Miller with a smattering of John Stewart and Michael Savage throw in for good measure. Do yourself a favor and give the show a listen...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Owww! My Head Hurts...

I guess it's because I'm crazy. Let's see - the left thinks I'm crazy because I believe there's a Constitutional crisis occurring. The Right thinks I'm crazy because I think that these wimpy-ass tea parties aren't the solution to regaining our country (3 months ago I did. Time has proven that belief wrong!). They are merely a way of mollifying the masses so they stay neatly in their place. My wife thinks I'm crazy because she always has. My kids think I'm crazy 'cuz I'm fun. My friends think I'm crazy because they know me well....I guess I am, so if at this point you wish to discontinue reading in order to avoid the "guilt by association" factor, so be it...If not - enjoy the rantings.

Without naming my name, an unnamed right-leaning talking head - oh let's call him Puffy Doughboy - claims that those of us who believe that there are puppet masters behind the scenes pulling the strings of DC and the media are nut cases. He also claims that we should continue to march and hope to save our country at the ballot box in a year. The damage is already done. You can't erase almost a hundred years of setting up for a new world order with one election cycle. C'mon!!! Another - oh, we'll call this one Schill - thinks we're obfuscating matters by wanting to see BHO's birth (and other) records. Another attempt to pacify the growing masses of fed up truth seekers who are getting too close to the facts. Of course they would - they work for said puppet masters. As I've said in the previous blog post, TV is killing our free thought, and these and other individuals who work in this medium are the instruments of our societal decay. No don't get me wrong. I, being a right of center independent, espouse a lot of the principles and ideals that these two targets of my anger purport to stand for. It's just that with their calls for passivity, they are basically asking us to roll over and let it happen, no matter how much they spout otherwise. They keep our nation divided along a right/left dichotomy intended to keep us from the real issues at hand. I mean, do we really need all the hatred and divisiveness of such issues as abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research (to name but a few). I certainly don't want the government telling me what to do with my body (although I believe that abortion for birth control measures is heinous), I don't want the government telling me who I can and can't marry (devout hetero here. I believe in a "don't flaunt it and we won't bother you" policy), and I certainly don't want the government controlling scientific matters when they can't even run the mail deliveries properly. Equal right for all - NOT special rights for any one, specific group. What's wrong with an equal number of liberals and conservatives - either on the Supreme Court or in the legislative branch - getting together and hammering out solutions to problems in a fair and bipartisan manner? THAT would be Fair & Balanced! This smokescreen of division is what keeps the populace from actually maintaining a vigilant eye upon our governing bodies.

Not a single mainstream media pundit has reported on FEMA's NLE2009, which is by no means a conspiracy theory. It actually happened July 27 - 31. An exercise on US population control with foreign troops (From the UK, Canada, Australia and Mexico) on US soil!!! Bend over We The People and take it til it hurts!!! I've not been able to verify the truth of some of these reports, but have read online that: handguns were confiscated in Louisiana, 70,000 were evacuated from their homes in Texas, and intelligence gathering on US citizens (WITHOUT FISA permission) was conducted in ALL 50 states. Where is the outrage here? Is the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor or the death of Michael Jackson or Paula Abdul's leaving American Idol more important than THIS??? Wake the @#%$ up!!! When any government agency practices martial law exercises, one has to wonder what they're preparing for...

It has come to my attention that my exercising of my 1st amendment right to freedom of speech is causing me to be placed on federal watch lists. Well, so be it. Complacency breeds stagnation and I'll stand for neither. Stand For Something or You'll Fall For Anything. How true that phrase is in today's modern era of mollification. Do you expect me to be happy when we have what is essentially a one-party governing system, ramming through an agenda that is design to crumble the very fabric of American society while spending trillions of dollars that put the burden on my unborn as of yet grandchildren??? Should I simply watch as Chuck Schumer calls the US Constitution an "antiquated old document" (his words not mine)??? I think not, and neither should you!!!

One final note. Even though I wasn't gonna mention the Bilderbergers or the CFR or the Trilateral Commission for fear of being branded a conspiracy theorist, I would like to see a panel of five individuals investigate these groups and perhaps even attend a meeting of each in order to confirm or disspell. Ron Paul, Sarah Plain, Michael Savage, Dennis Kusinich, and Ralph Nader. These individuals by virtue of their past and recent actions have proven that they are not beholden to political ideology, but to their own personal code of right and wrong. Now, I may not agree with them, but they have proven that they stand up for what they believe in. For that fact, this panel should investigate everything!!! Caveat: Sarah WILL have to play ball with the puppet masters if she has any hope of occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Oww, my head hurts from all this...I'm sure I had more that I wanted to spout about, but I feel the sudden urge to go build a bunker....

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Infernal Boob Toob...

Did you know that there are now more televisions in the United states than there are people? What the hell kind of statistic is that to be proud of? There are 150 million homes with TVs and each home has an average of 2.85 boob tubes. The math says that's 427,500,000 sets in use. The US population is estimated to be at 338 million at the end of June 2009. This is a direct correlation to the decline of our society. In particular, the decline of the neighborhood community. Television - as used by the media moguls, industrialists, and government is used to dumb down We The People. It is a means of disseminating disinformation to the masses while pacifying all but the most radical elements of the populace. (I'm watching a Red Sox game as I type this!!! They Just won!!!)

After the presidential election of 1960 (those were the first televised debates. Kennedy vs. Nixon), the TV moguls, among others, realized the power that their chosen medium contained. The previously unavailable power to sway mass opinion through simple usage of lighting techniques, makeup, and camera angles. Another widely practiced technique in the industry is that of repeated redundancy. By pounding a subject - factual or non-factual - into our brain relentlessly, popular opinion can be shifted toward the desired goals. Now, that these infernal devices outnumber humans in the US, the practices of the manipulators become even more poignant. Initially, this power was used by the first generation of TV producers and moguls for capitalistic goals, which in retrospect, did very little damage to society in general. Once the next generation (the baby boomers) entered the fray and started to use the airwaves to induce societal upheaval, and took the political applications to a new level, the rot became apparent. Observe for example, the footage of the Clinton/Bush debates of 1991 - 1992. Some of the same techniques that lost the election for Nixon in 1960 were applied to the elder Bush. He was lit from below with the result being a haggard, drawn out appearance casting his eyes in deep shadows. Conversely, Clinton was graced with soft even lighting with a strong backlight, giving an almost halo-like appearance to his not-yet grey (but light colored) hair. The Obama campaign machine had the media in the tank anyway, but were also masters of the subtlety of these forms of manipulation. This generation of baby boomers who now control the media know only to well the power of the idiot box as they were the first generation to be propped in front of the electronic babysitter. They certainly realized the tremendous potential for mass indoctrination to their leftist and socialistic ideals. Bear in mind that this does not only occurr in news programming. That would be too easy to resist. It takes place in ALL forms of programming from children's educational TV to cartoons to weekly sitcoms to cable-specific programming to prime time and even to late night talk shows. It's everywhere and we're all guilty of succumbing to the mind numbing effects of what has become the entertainment centerpiece of almost every home in America. Pulling the plug is the only solution...

As a caveat, it was also reported that there are more internet users in China than there are people in the US. I would say that it is equally as scary, except that with all the bans and restrictions that China has on the online experience, what we end up with is more people with less access to information. While I often claim that the internet is equally culpable in the process of dumbing We The People down, there is the opportunity for expanding one's knowledge base. After all, you're reading this. Aren't you? If only we could achieve the situation where the Chinese society is deteriorated as much as the west, by reaching the point where that population has more TV sets than they have people, then maybe they wouldn't be such a fearful bunch. Actually, that has always been my idea to defeat an enemy is to give them all free cable and free internet for a year or two and then send in the social rights activists....Oh that's another blog....

Monday, July 27, 2009

As Politically Incorrect As I Can Get...

As if I don't piss off enough people without trying, here goes with one of those "I don't care, I just gotta say it" type of posts. The premise that I am going to espouse in this post is that STEREOTYPES DO NOT CREATE THEMSELVES. I may use some terminology that some folks would term as hate speech. I may use some racial or sexual epithets that some would take offense to. I may at some points even devolve into rude and crude language. Well, I just gotta say what I gotta say and I gotta say it in the way i gotta say it. If it offends or repulses - I'm sorry. Keep in mind that my heart contains no hatred for any single human being or any grouping of humans, no matter how they are lumped together. hatred is far too strong of an emotion (second only to love) to be tossed around lightly. BUT, I'll re-iterate STEREOTYPES DO NOT CREATE THEMSELVES!!! There are white people and there are crackers or honkies. There are black people and there are niggers (there! I said it - so sue me). There are hispaics and there are spics. There are Irish and there are micks. There are Italians and Guidos (among the many other terms). There are Chinese and chinks. And so on. Each race contains exemplary individuals and the dregs of society. They all also are predominately comprised of average folks, just like you or me, but perhaps colored with a different crayon. Unfortunately, because this segment of society - regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation - largely behave themselves and are relatively silent (I'm an exception to this - and every other - rule). As a result this majority of the populace is not publicized and we are less aware of the average, hard working, family values believing, honest Black, Hispanic, or Asian or what have you (insert a maligned group here) families. As they are relegated to a less visible role of society, similar to the way the unglamorous backbone supports the more flamboyant human body, they are also swept up in the whirlwind of undeserved hatred, bias and animosity. There is good and bad everywhere and in every segment of society. How one reacts to it is a deciding factor in which camp that individual is in...

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Brief Warning!!!

This Monday - July 27, 2009 through Friday - July 31, 2009, FEMA will hold NLE 2009. This is the first FEMA exercise that does NOT focus on response & recovery. This is a White House controlled, Congressionally mandated crowd control exercise INVOLVING FOREIGN TROOPS ON U.S. SOIL!!! I dunno about you, but I don't want Mexican (or British, Aussie or Canadian) troops attempting crowd control exercises on our sovereign soil. For a more eloquent explanation of this matter and the appropriate links go here:

I've posted this before, but now it's getting close & I don't like it one bit...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is THEIR Plan

I guess the old adage "the proof is in the pudding" resounds truer than ever when it comes to proving or disproving conspiracies. I've lately been reading (as I've posed earlier,) "The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group" by Daniel Estulin. Now, I've ranted about "the shadow government" for years. Indeed, most people I communicate with believe in some form of shadow government or another. It seems strange that once I mention the Bilderbergers, the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), or the Trilateral Commission (TLC), everyone clams up. The mainstream (and not-so-mainstream) media either shy away or brush the subject of as rantings of a paranoid conspiracist. Even the radicals on both sides of the political spectrum seem to be afraid to point the finger where the finger needs to be pointed. Well, if we desire to salvage our union before it is assimilated into the "New World Order" then we must understand who the "THEY" are that are trying to do THIS to US. For purposes of an introduction to these heinous bastards, let's take a look at the Bilderberg Group's objectives as outlined in Estulin's book and compare them to what is happening in today's socio-political, economic climate.

1. One International Identity - This actually began back with the collapse of the former Soviet Union. There was also a foiled attempt to do the same in Canada in 1996. Then, of course, there was success with the EU. Here in the US, the fomenting of strife and disillusionment will eventually cause states to attempt to secede from the union. If this occurs, it will be one step closer to achieving this objective. Remember, Abe Lincoln was the ONLY president who gave his life to preserve the union. We musn't let him down.

2. Centralized Control Of The People - Many of the "think tanks" routinely produce reports on this subject and how it can be accomplished. This is a smokescreen. It already is happening with the use of mind numbing media (television, video games, and yes, the beloved internet) and mind altering prescriptions, that are administered to anyone who doesn't fit the mold. Give that boy Ritalin for ADD. Oh, you're depressed? Here's a prescription for Zoloft and one for Atavan. Also, why is there more tolerance for the illicit drugs like heroin, which incapacitate the mind of the abuser, than others that don't? And ya know, I'd watch those flu shots too. Do you really know what's in there. Keep 'em dumb, drugged and in front of the tube and you maintain control.

3. A Zero Growth Society - Popuation control already occurs in China and many other nations. Here at home, BHO's pick for the science czar - John Holdren has advocated forced sterilization as far back as 1977. So we should trust the government with our healthcare, right? 'Nuff said here - scary!

4. A State Of Perpetual Imbalance - This one goes back a ways as well. Presidential sex scandals, terrorist attacks, a couple of wars, economic turmoil, the burden of a 62 trillion dollar national debt, rising oil costs, bird flu, swine flu, etc. Get the picture. Ever wonder why it seems so long to solve some problems that seem so easily curable? Maybe they don't want them cured as readily as would be proper. Also, in our celebrity oriented culture, it's really easy to put a little frosting on the confusion cake by reporting on every little faux pas and foible of these inconsequential idols. Give them more than they can assimilate. Keep the collective consciousness saturated with nonsense as well as the very serious problems that face us. The media is really in the tank on this one. My Existence is led by a confusion boat, with mutiny from stern to bow....

5. Centralized Control Of All Education - The extremely liberal NEA and the teacher's unions are unwitting pawns in this scheme. Ever look at one of the new history textbooks and say - "Hey wait a minute - that's not how I learned it." or "I lived through that and it didn't happen this way!" By rewriting the past to the advantage of these objectives, it becomes easier to manipulate the future.

6. Centralized Control Of All Foreign & Domestic Policies - The EU, NATO, The UN, The G8, etc....

7. Empowerment Of The United Nations - See above. Also, read the post from May 3, 2009 regarding CIFTA and the 2nd Amendment.

8. Western Trading Bloc - NAFTA! NAFTA! NAFTA!

9. Expansion Of NATO - Again, there is a concerted effort to give NATO more of a role as the world's police, seemingly taking the burden from the US, but in reality it is diminishing US world authority. Before you can say "Facism", you'll have foreign troops in your backyard. Sieg Hiel!!!

10. One Legal System - Thankfully, the US has refused to be sucked into this one - at least during the last four administrations. Let's hope BHO has enough of a glimmer of sense to continue this policy.

11. One Socialist Welfare State - BHO's America. Redistribution of wealth is the beginning of enactment of this agenda. We've had a welfare state in the US since the days of Lyndon B. Johnson. After 40 years it has become ingrained in a certain segment of society. Yet another drug to keep the masses mollified.

Remember, these are Bilderberg agendas, promulgated by some of the most powerful industrialists, media giants and political figures of our times. These are NOT Democrat or Republican issues. They are not Bush or Obama issues. These are "THEY" issues. Obama, while not a Bilderberger, has surrounded himself with luminaries from the Bilderberg Group, The CFR and The TLC. This cooperation certainly sheds a different light on the question of how an inexperienced individual of questionable nature and origin rose to the highest office in the land with less than two years congressional tenure. It appears, judging by his often inexplainable actions that he is the annointed administrator of these policies, while his predecessors were the set up men.

It certainly is scary having some of your deepest concerns illuminated by fact that is hard to refute. It's even scarier to see these policies being enacted while everyone stands by and lets it happen. The one thing these mainpulators of society fear is exposure and public awareness. We The People are the only ones with the power to stop this before it's too late....

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Slight Departure From The Norm...

You know I originally created this blog in order to spout about the various things that I like to spout about. As it turned out so far, it been politics, politics, & politics. One would think that's all that I'm about. Well, aside from my family, my biggest passion is music. Mostly making my own as a bassist, harmonicist, slide guitarist, sometime keyboardist and background vocalist (and lately percussion as well). I will say that even with greater than 35 years musical experience, my biggest contribution to the field of music has been as a fan and observer of the industry as well. I even thought at one time about giving a seminar pertaining to the effect of popular music upon modern culture from the 1950's through the 1970's. I generally stop around 1978/79 because I (and this is only my opinion) feel that post 1970s music did not have the same shaping effect upon culture as did the music prior. It was actually in the early 1980s around the time of "Thriller" (Michael Jackson for those of you under rocks) and Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA" that the business part of the term "music business" became more important than the music part. During the "great cultural revolution" of the sixties & seventies, the producers & executives had little knowledge of music (one exception was the great Amhet Ertegun of Atlantic Records fame). This allowed the artist more creative freedom in the writing and producing stages of the recordings. By the beginning of the 80's the younger "hipper" generation was moving up the executive ladders of the record companies. Those individuals who had no musical talent, but wanted to be a part of "The Scene" were now calling the shots at the major labels, radio stations, distribution companies, and music press. Also, once the two previously mentioned recordings shattered sales records through shrewd marketing of each individual song as a single, the so-called "filler" material, the deeper cuts if you will, were no longer allowed to be a part of "the product". Imagine "Let It Be" without "One After 909" or "Beyond The Universe". Imagine "Sticky Fingers" without "Dead Flowers" or "Can't You Hear Me Knocking". Imagine "Led Zepplin IV" without "The Battle Of Evermore" or "When The Levee Breaks". You get the point. For this reason one notices sterility and a sameness start creeping into music around the end of the eighties. I will grant that the time period itself from around 1964 to 1979 was a time of social upheaval and lent itself to a more creative and open minded atmosphere which fomented a rush of tremendous (and not-so-tremendous) talent. Even the not-so-great artists stumbled upon a few really good, if not great songs. By the time the internet & indie music scenes arrived the rot had set in so far as to infect the minds of the songwriters and the very creative process itself. While the new delivery vehicles of self-produced CDs (I did four from 1994 - 2000), and digital downloads did a tremendous amount to breaking down the barriers, it also ran amok without any quality control allowing a huge amount of drivel (like I said, I did four CDs between 1994 - 2000). That is a brief encapsulation of my treatise on "The Music Business"...

This whole blog was leading up to me saying that about a year and a half ago I found that CD which I could finally call different. Now, I found it on a music sharing site, downloaded the whole album, put it on my iPod and occasionally listened to it. But then during one listening I just couldn't stop when all 17 (!) songs had finished and had to listen again. And again. And again. Then I felt so guilty I went out and purchased the CD to support the artist in hopes of more releases like this one. That's actually the way the music posters on the internet claim that the music on their blogs and sites are supposed to be used. In reality in very rarely occurs that way.

Anyway, that CD the one that is now my current favorite is "The Mighty Jeremiahs" self titled disc. The reasons this recording can be considered worthy of standing out from the mass produced pablum are simple. Good music and a good message. The best way to describe this stuff would be...ohhh, I old time southern baptist gospel revival cross bread with the southern rock stuff of the seventies smattered with a little Jimi Hendrix and spewed out through a Chicago/Delta blues filter. This is down-home gritty, good time, roots boogie with a spiritual message. In the past this kind of music was called "the devil's music". NO MORE! You're going to need the refreshing breath of fresh air that the lyrical content provides - your feet won't stop tappin' and your bones won't stop boogying. That this rollicking, rocking recording is so much fun comes as no surprise considering that the band is fronted by Wet Willie's Jimmy Hall on Harp & Vocals and Greg Martin of the Kentucky Headhunters on some of the most authentic guitar that been recorded since Elmore James. The group is rounded out by Taildraggers Mark Hendricks and Jon McGee. The luminaries that guest on "The Mighty Jeremiahs" include other members of the Kentucky Headhunters (THEY were my favorite band throughout the drought of the 90s), Ricky Lee Phelps, and the late, supurb vocal talent Bonnie Bramlett among many others. I can't really pick a favorite on this disc, (Okay twist my arm) but if I had to it would be the humorous "Ain't No Room In This House For Hell" or maybe "Tell The Truth". Both are straight out of the swamp barrelhouse boogie, the former featuring a rare vocal from the Headhunters' drummer Richard Young. One would swear that you're listening to the great Elmore James proclaim his faith on "Walk With Me, Jesus". There are some breathtaking moments during the groups interpretations of "Amazing Grace" and the Otis Redding classic "That's How Strong My Love Is". This brilliant journey begins with their version of the Son House number "John The Revelator" and rollicks and caresses the listener to redemption. This is certainly my favorite release of this millenium, especially in an era that cries out for greater spiritual awareness and - in these trying times - a little bit of good old down home American Rock with the Roll included...

For more info - they have myspace page at: Portions of the disc are available for listening there.

All the major music site have the CD with sample clips available as well.

Unless listening to straight up, straight from the heart rootsy blues rock augment with open proclamations of faith offends you, this is a 100% pure real deal. Ya can't go wrong here...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some VERY Important Links For You !!!!

The three links below concern the Bilderberg Group. These people are the "THEYs" that I rail about when I say "THEY did this to US (U.S.)....I am currently reading Daniel Estulin's amazing book "The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group"...It's Eye opening to say the least...

Here's another very good site containg information about the Trilateral Commission and globalization in general:

This one is not Bilderberg Related...Yet! Give me a little time with this guy....He's a like minded individual...

There WILL be more. I assure you...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don't Lose These Numbers !!!

Congressional Switchboard: (866) 340-9281
House Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 or 225-3121
White House: (202) 456-1414

Monday, July 6, 2009

Artwork For Your Pleasure

I've put up some new "Radical" artwork on the website. This stuff could get me in trouble depending upon the viewer's interpretation of the 1st Amendment. Well, if I end up doing any time as a result of this stuff, I hope ou folks won't forget me. Send chocolate and cigarettes please...

Follow the link from here:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This Is The Plan

Not only has our political process been corrupted, but the nature of our very society has been perverted by the leftist idealouges that have permeated the media and the educational system. They have succeeded in subtly, and not-so-subtly indocttrinating the general masses. I’m talking about those masses who are not necessarily poitically motivated, but lean in a predesigned direction when they are needed at the polls. Perhaps their daily lives are so demanding that they have little time for ongoing political interest other than the hour or so a day that they watch the news - if they do. Perhaps the scope of the entire process is simply too overwhelming for their comprehension. Or perhaps they just don’t care. Regardless, from the time they are taught their ABC’s to receiving thier college diploma (if they do), they are indoctrinated by an extreme left leaning agenda. Initial indoctrination is built into the curriculum by the teachers union under the guise of politically correct revisions of history and science teachings. Teachers are persons who are entrusted to aid parents in guiding our children down the correct path through thier formative years but quite often interject thier own opinion as fact when discussing current events or political affairs. The indoctrination becomes even more severe at the university level, with student in recent times actually being failed for dareing to have an opinion that differs from the supposed educator, Clearly, this is not teaching open thought, but instead it is thought control.

Do I need to mention how the media uses it’s power to advance the liberal agenda? Or am I preaching to the choir? Well...There is the swaying of an election to elect an idividual that was clearly less competent than his opponent, accomplished by a barrage of positive coverage on one side and negative on the other. Or the ignoring or use of selective portions of records, fact and legitimate questions of policies, relationships and personal histories on both sides. Once again, those that are entrusted to provide us with fact, flim flam us with opinion and shiny rhetoric, designed to confuse and obfuscate. One must assimilate and digest the news, rather that simply watch and understand it. It has become necessary to keep a scorecard of which agenda is guiding what reportage. Do I watch ABC or NBC on this issue? Fox or CNN on that? Can I trust Hemmer or Blitzer? Do I watch Couric or Lauer. Do I skip Olbermann - of course. As the smokescreen becomes thicker, the average individual succumbs to the ploy and falls into lock-step. Now, add in the entertainment divisions and their mainstreaming of questionable ethics and behavior on top rated prime time programs. It really doesn’t matter what ideology the actors themselves espouse as muchas that of the writers, directors, and producers of te programming. The practice of placing the most likable, charasmatic characters into tenuous situations and questionable lifestyles facilitates the mainstreaming of these behaviors.The result of this continuous assault is that the agenda of the media moguls becomes public opinion. Many intelligent and not-so-intelligent analysts have reported that political agenda does indeed follow public opinion - or it used to. Under current conditions though, public opinion is skewed to follow political agenda.

There is a long term fix for these ills that plague our culture and maintain the divisions of our society. We need to educate and interest the young people who are about to enter these fields (and those who aren’t) in the rights, freedoms and intents of the Constitution and our founding fathers. They need to understand the difference between protecting and perverting the First Amendment. They need to understand that the Second Amendment protects the First. The need to understand that fair-minded, honest dissemination of information does far more to enhance the quality of America than does the foisting of any undesired agenda upon another segment of the populace. They need to understand that equality and rights can only be granted to a segment of society when no laws are passed that specifically apply to that segment. Equality is only granted by law when that law applies to all segments. By approaching education and reporting with fact being the guide, and by approaching entertainment as purely that, we can then again look upon our educators and the media as trusted and respected sources of information...Maybe...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Divided We Stand

Divided we stand! That's exactly what the government, Wall street and the media want. They NEED to keep us at each others throats in order to keep us from going for theirs. Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, Gay, Straight, Black, White, Christian, Muslim....As long as we're opposing each other, we won't have time for THEM.

With all the heinous, socialistic governance that has occurred since January, there are certainly as many liberals as there are conservative that have been sold down the river by the great saviour of hope - the messiah of change. I guess he wasn't lying when he promised change. But, instead of changing right to left, he changed up to down. Hell, I don't care what your persuasion, race, creed or political beliefs are - your country is being sold out with the eventual goal of a new world order. This is what happens when the system of checks and balances that our founding fathers built into our government is perverted by an election that is swayed by an agenda-driven media.

If you are able to see through the dense smokescreen that Congress and the BHO administration are constantly maintaining, you'll observe that the apparent marxist agenda is really one of a federal government power grab and one of personal gain. Washington has been itching to absorb authority from the individual states With a majority in the house and senate and control of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Democrats have seen the opportunity to strike hard and fast. As of right now the First, Second, and Fourth amendments are on the chopping block. These are not "conservative" or "liberal" amendments. NO, they are AMERICAN amendments that affect the lives of all of us. If the states end up ceding power to the feds, it won't be just the red states or just the blue states that lose out. It will be all of them - meaning all of US.

I firmly believe that we should join together, put aside whatever squabbles we have (because no matter what they are, they pale in comparison to what's happening now), and take back our country by whatever (legal) means possible. Then we can go back to fightig ideology once we have maintained a country where it is possible to do so.

Think about this: If we had a perfectly divided government - half conservative and half liberal, and both sides got together and hammered out a mutually acceptable agreement every time, we would have the perfect balance. To reiterate one of my often iterated beliefs - term limits are a step in the right direction. We need to keep any single politician from consolidating an unweildy base of power. Just take a look at the careers of Ted Kennedy, Jack Murtha, Charles Rangel, Ted Stevens, or Robert Byrd (eeewww!). Fresh blood is needed in DC.

In the meantime, it certainly doesn't hurt to put some pressure on the libidinous lawmakers that are so adroitly steering the U.S. down the road to third world-dom. To that extent, here are a few phone numbers that everyone should keep close and use whenever you're fed up with the antics that pass as legislating. They Are:

Congressional Switchboard: (866) 340-9281
House Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 or 225-3121
White House: (202) 456-1414

Additionally, The list of contact info for the entire U.S. House Of Representatives can be found here:

There is so much more to say on this matter, but I think those famous the words of the immortal Abe Lincoln sum it up best...United we stand. Divided we fall.

Let's ALL get together and kick some treasonous, socialist ass out of our capitol and take back the land that we love...Have fun with this one!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oh No!!! The End Of The American Empire!!!

OK, here it goes. On Monday 6/22/09 & Tuesday 6/23/09, the other major world players - Russia, China et al. are having an economic summit to decide on whether to replace the US dollar as the world's currency standard. This meeting will be held in Yekaterinasburg, Russia, where Czar Nicholas & family were executed. There is a very excellent article with all the details that I wouldn't attempt to plagarize at

So add that to the trade deals that China has already struck with Brazil and Malaysia using the Chinese yuan rather than the dollar. Factor in the numerous trade deals between Russia, China, and Iran among others - NOT using the good ol' US greenback. Don't forget Secretary Geithner's open admission that he'd like to see a one world economy ie. financial system/currency. This will have repercussions greater than the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Perhaps the reason China is allowing North Korea to rattle its nuclear sabre is to create a smokescreen from where the real war is being waged - in the banks !!! Remember, the Korean War never ended. There has been a 53 year cease fire which Kim Jong Il has recently declared null & void. Certainly all these events are related and bear watching with the strategic intensity of a chessmaster.

I'm learning from the politicos that you can attach something onto something else - even if they don't go together. Just like they did with the 108 billion dollar loan to the International Money Fund (IMF) piggybacked onto the war surplus bill ran through congress this past week. This money going to the IMF is supposed to be used to aid the denizens of the third world weather the global economic crisis. What it will really do is triple the coffers of one of the leading proponents of the move away from the US dollar. Essentially funding another enemy. Unless, of course, your viewpoint is one of a globalist bent, in which case you're probably pretty happy about the whole scenario.

My point above about attaching an unrelated supplement was to add on another gripe I have and that would be the administrations manipulation of the media. No sense going into the lovefest between the media and the BHO admin, that's been well covered and more than a little sickening. OK, so he's a likeable guy. I might even like him if he wasn't trampling all over the constitution (1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments on the chopping block as we speak), if he wasn't selling America down the river at every possible opportunity, if he wasn't such an unabashed apologist - putting the negative aspects of 100 years of foreign & domestic policy ahead of the overwhelming positive ones, or if he wasn't such a globalist. But, the it's scary the way they use their own production facilities for certain events and supply the finished product - including captions and all!!! It's also pretty remescient of Hermann Goerhing the way ABC is laying down & rolling over for them for this health care special next week. The media should challenge every administration the way they challenged the Bush admin - minus the viciousness. That's their job. They should be watchdogs not lapdogs. We need to re-infiltrate the media with fair minded, objective journalists. And...Oh, never mind, that's the next blog (I hope)...