Thursday, April 30, 2009

THEY are at it again !

THEY convinced Supreme Court Justice David Souter to retire. Well, It's been said that it won't change the makeup of the Supreme court if a liberal is replaced with a liberal. First off, Souter is a centrist that swings far left - a liberal with a different label. More importantly, every change in personality affects change to the court to some degree for at least a generation to follow.

Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist Papers - No. 78: (in part)

The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them.

Well, that's what ol' Al & the other Founding Dads intended. Didn't happen that way. Nope. The Supreme Court not only has made monumental decisions regarding Constitutional interpretation, but has made decisions in other cases that have swayed public opinion regarding matters of State's right, individual rights, and so on that have directly affected public opinion.

Thomas Jefferson was the original interpreter of the Constitution as a "Living, Breathing" document. He and John Adams were at extreme odds concerning this. Adams believed (As I do) that the Constitution was a fixed document. And a pretty darn good one at that. While the implementation should be flexible to adapt to current times, the basic tenants are solid enough to stand on their own without any manipulations from the Executive, Judicial or legislative branch. Unfortunately, there has been fiddling with the document from all three branches in the ensuing 233 years since its inception. Even worse, public opinion - not public votes - have swayed all three branches of the government to in one way or another gradually curtail the rights of We The People under the guise of "modern" interpretations of the different sections of the Constitution. Generally, when the term "public opinion" is used you can be sure the media has a hand in it. THAT'S where we tie this mini-primer of Constitutional interpretation back to THEY. The media and its moguls I've previously pointed an accusing finger at Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric as a media manipulator. He's just one of several with an agenda and he uses his position of power over the NBC family to foist it upon a public that doesn't have the time - and in many case the wherewithal to digest the fact from the fluff in the news broadcasts that they expect to contain truth. Hence, the more people believe that an agenda is a popular and accepted practice or belief, they subscribe to that train of thought and thus, another agenda becomes mainstreamed. While opposition should be mounted against any attempt to muzzle the media that I am now raving about, the members of the press should learn to exercise restraint and responsibility concerning the stories they report upon lest they create a situation where they risk curtailment. Do we really need to know about interrogation techniques or plans for conducting a war. Do we really need to know all the stupid, tittilating minutae that is force fed us to fill up air time, generate advertising revenues and blind us to the real issues. I don't think we do, but THEY want us to. THEY operate best under cover of a good smokescreen. THEY understand that it is easier and more effective to sway public opinion that to oppose it. THEY have infiltrated the media, the universities and the governments of all levels with their minions. THEY are pushing us further and further toward a one-world globalized economy and government. THEY are causing ME to rant & rave again. Oh well, that's what this blog is for...

'Til the next time...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Who The Hell Are THEY !?!?

O.K. So I hate when I put pressure on myself to complete something and my mind goes blank...What was I gonna talk about? Obama's first hundred days. I don't think so...Enough of the pundits are handling those chores. Nancy Pelosi saying she was never briefed on interrogation techniques when eveyone else (including Porter Goss - CIA head at the time) says she did. NAH! I scrape more interesting things than her off my shoes when I leave my chicken coop. Was It non-political maybe, perhaps Rock & Roll related. Maybe but I think I was gonna save that for another apolitical evening. Hmmm...I KNOW!!! It was THEY.

Who exactly are THEY. I mean the THEY in "They did it again" or "THEY did THIS to US". They, the powers that be. The ones in charge. I want names & faces. I can start out by giving you a couple of names of some of the heinous individuals who's daily actions tear at the moral fabric of our society and push us closer towards globalization. First off it would not surprise me to learn that anyone who gets mentioned as a they is either a present or past member of the Bildeberger group or had a seat on the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). I would think a good criteria for defining someone as a "THEY" would be that they are manipulators. THEY perform most of their mayhem from behind the scenes, yet their actions directly affect We The People.

So If I put up a couple names, I would hope for more to be added and we can use this as a forum to publicly dissect them. I'm not gonna get started on them tonite, just post their names because I could go on for ever about both these two clowns.

Here we go with my first couple - the two individuals that top my heinous list:

First and Foremost is George Soros - the Hungarian immigrant who is trying to control the US shadow government. I have a lot to say about him. Las week Sen. McCain tweeted (is that what you call using Twittter?) that a committee was to look into the causes of the economic troubles and I replied that this would be a good place to investigate Soros. He was/is a member of the Carlyle Group - a private equity firm with some supsicious ties.

Second is Jeffery Immelt - Head of General Electric and manipulator of the media through GE's ownership of NBC and MSNBC and CNBC etc. This guy is just a rich low-life dirtbag. I'm not even gonna dignify this clown with any more insults.

So, Let's get some more behind the sceners up here to pick apart and maybe, just maybe we can figure out just who the hell THEY are.

More to come...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

From the second paragraph of The Declaration Of Independence:

Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I don't know where I'm gonna go with this. Probably kinda random. Politics, Music, Rants, & Raves - Whatever. I'm open for suggestions. I can also be found on Twitter and Facebook. My Twitter is also Tuffpuppy1. My Facebook is me - Tony Impoco. Additionally, I broadcast music kind of regularly on Stickam as Crookedhooklive.
I have a Myspace and AIM as well as a Youtube (Tuffpuppy15). The main deal is our website -, where music, talk, art, & ramblings come together. Hopefully we'll get the ball rolling soon.