1. One International Identity - This actually began back with the collapse of the former Soviet Union. There was also a foiled attempt to do the same in Canada in 1996. Then, of course, there was success with the EU. Here in the US, the fomenting of strife and disillusionment will eventually cause states to attempt to secede from the union. If this occurs, it will be one step closer to achieving this objective. Remember, Abe Lincoln was the ONLY president who gave his life to preserve the union. We musn't let him down.
2. Centralized Control Of The People - Many of the "think tanks" routinely produce reports on this subject and how it can be accomplished. This is a smokescreen. It already is happening with the use of mind numbing media (television, video games, and yes, the beloved internet) and mind altering prescriptions, that are administered to anyone who doesn't fit the mold. Give that boy Ritalin for ADD. Oh, you're depressed? Here's a prescription for Zoloft and one for Atavan. Also, why is there more tolerance for the illicit drugs like heroin, which incapacitate the mind of the abuser, than others that don't? And ya know, I'd watch those flu shots too. Do you really know what's in there. Keep 'em dumb, drugged and in front of the tube and you maintain control.
3. A Zero Growth Society - Popuation control already occurs in China and many other nations. Here at home, BHO's pick for the science czar - John Holdren has advocated forced sterilization as far back as 1977. So we should trust the government with our healthcare, right? 'Nuff said here - scary!
4. A State Of Perpetual Imbalance - This one goes back a ways as well. Presidential sex scandals, terrorist attacks, a couple of wars, economic turmoil, the burden of a 62 trillion dollar national debt, rising oil costs, bird flu, swine flu, etc. Get the picture. Ever wonder why it seems so long to solve some problems that seem so easily curable? Maybe they don't want them cured as readily as would be proper. Also, in our celebrity oriented culture, it's really easy to put a little frosting on the confusion cake by reporting on every little faux pas and foible of these inconsequential idols. Give them more than they can assimilate. Keep the collective consciousness saturated with nonsense as well as the very serious problems that face us. The media is really in the tank on this one. My Existence is led by a confusion boat, with mutiny from stern to bow....
5. Centralized Control Of All Education - The extremely liberal NEA and the teacher's unions are unwitting pawns in this scheme. Ever look at one of the new history textbooks and say - "Hey wait a minute - that's not how I learned it." or "I lived through that and it didn't happen this way!" By rewriting the past to the advantage of these objectives, it becomes easier to manipulate the future.
6. Centralized Control Of All Foreign & Domestic Policies - The EU, NATO, The UN, The G8, etc....
7. Empowerment Of The United Nations - See above. Also, read the post from May 3, 2009 regarding CIFTA and the 2nd Amendment.
8. Western Trading Bloc - NAFTA! NAFTA! NAFTA!
9. Expansion Of NATO - Again, there is a concerted effort to give NATO more of a role as the world's police, seemingly taking the burden from the US, but in reality it is diminishing US world authority. Before you can say "Facism", you'll have foreign troops in your backyard. Sieg Hiel!!!
10. One Legal System - Thankfully, the US has refused to be sucked into this one - at least during the last four administrations. Let's hope BHO has enough of a glimmer of sense to continue this policy.
11. One Socialist Welfare State - BHO's America. Redistribution of wealth is the beginning of enactment of this agenda. We've had a welfare state in the US since the days of Lyndon B. Johnson. After 40 years it has become ingrained in a certain segment of society. Yet another drug to keep the masses mollified.
Remember, these are Bilderberg agendas, promulgated by some of the most powerful industrialists, media giants and political figures of our times. These are NOT Democrat or Republican issues. They are not Bush or Obama issues. These are "THEY" issues. Obama, while not a Bilderberger, has surrounded himself with luminaries from the Bilderberg Group, The CFR and The TLC. This cooperation certainly sheds a different light on the question of how an inexperienced individual of questionable nature and origin rose to the highest office in the land with less than two years congressional tenure. It appears, judging by his often inexplainable actions that he is the annointed administrator of these policies, while his predecessors were the set up men.
It certainly is scary having some of your deepest concerns illuminated by fact that is hard to refute. It's even scarier to see these policies being enacted while everyone stands by and lets it happen. The one thing these mainpulators of society fear is exposure and public awareness. We The People are the only ones with the power to stop this before it's too late....
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