Sunday, May 3, 2009

Here Goes Amendment #2 - CIFTA

The 2nd Amendment to the great Constitution of The United States is ready to go down. As I've mentioned in the previous post, the leftists have been trying to take away the right to bear arms for quite some time now. There have been many attempts to do so in various forms, most notoriously being Washington D.C.'s ban on handguns, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on June 26, 2007.

Well, the new attack comes from an old angle. CIFTA - aka the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms or Convención Interamericana contra la Fabricación y el Tráfico Ilícitos de Armas de Fuego, Municiones, Explosivos y otros materiales relacionados. Sounds like a good idea, no? NO! Any impingement upon an article or amendment without ratification is just wrong. It is contrary to the very nature of the system set up for us by our founding fathers. CIFTA has actually been lurking in the wings since at least 1997 - right about the same time as NAFTA. Bill Clinton, buffoon that he was as POTUS actually signed the treaty in 1999, but Congress at least had enough sense to know that this would not fly with We The People. The same cannot be said for the current administration. Not only is Mr. O considering being a signatory to el Convención, but he is attempting to pull this off in a manner that would bypass Congress completely. In a meeting recently with Pres. Felipe Calderón of Mexico, BO stated that he would urge Congress to ratify the beast. In a nutshell what CIFTA does is put all gun & ammunition manufacturing under a stricter government control. Not too bad, right? WRONG! This would mean that an outdoor hobbyist, hunter, or sportsman would be forbidden from loading their own shot or in any way modifying their own firearms without first obtaining a license from the government. Fat chance of that happening. Or maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe it will be easy for anyone and everyone to get put in the database...Ooops, I meant obtain a license.

Rather than dissect CIFTA when so many have already done the hard work for me, I've included a couple of links for further information. Remember, I'm only here to rant, not educate. The first is from

The Next is from the State Departments website. It is a post of the entire treaty. If this doesn't spell it out for you, nothing will.

Additionally, under the Vienna Convention of Laws treaties, international treaties, such as this one, take precedence over national law - EVEN IF THE NATIONAL LAW IS PRESCRIBED BY THE NATION'S CONSTITUTION ! This would usurp American laws and subject U.S. citizens (We The People, again) to laws created by foreign powers. This one should be a no-brainer.

BEWARE! They're continuing to attempt to chip away at your Constitutional Rights and they are relentless.

Oh, and by the way - I DON'T own a gun, but I'll fight to my death for your right to own one...

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