Monday, May 25, 2009

The Emasculation of America

WE'RE LOSING OUR BALLS!!! Yeah, that's right I'll say it. Ya know why ? 'Cuz I still have both of mine. I don't know if that would be the case were I coming up in today's modern society. Men are just simply bred to be less manly under the guise of political correctness, sensitivity and equality that is anything but. This societal castration occurs on many levels and starts almost from the cradle.

As young children, many of us played out in the woods or in an open lot. You fell down, you skinned your knee, went home (usually much later), washed it off and covered up. The next day you most likely repeated the process. No running to the doctor for every little boo-boo. We did many things considered heinous by today's standards - and it was all good clean fun. Most of us who blew up frogs or snake with firecrackers did not grow up to be psycho killers. Most of us who went out and shot at barn swallows with our BB guns or slingshots didn't become serial snipers. When we went camping we brought a sleeping bag, mess kit, matches, some chow, and - most importantly - a knife. No cell phones or iPods (we sang anything we wanted to hear). We climbed trees, whittled our own walking sticks, drank from streams and peed outdoors. I still do all of those things by the way. We only had three channels on television and cartoons only once a week on Saturday morning. When our bikes broke, we learned how to fix what we didn't know. Heck, we even did all our own customizations and didn't necessarily use items fabricated with those uses in mind. We played dodge ball in gym - killer dodge ball even. We kept score in little league and if you weren't as good of a player and happened to be the last one picked, you learned the game better so that you weren't the last pick next time around. In short, (by whose definition is THIS short?) by not being mollycoddled and not being chastised or medicated for being a high spirited, active children, we were allowed to become MEN.
We called girls Chicks or Babes or Broads (I even knew a few guys who still used the term Dames). We called gays Fags or Queers or Homos, and didn't idolize a one of them. They weren't in positions of leadership or authority and aside from a few rock musicians (Elton John, Freddie Mercury, etc.), they weren't really well regarded. A lack of testosterone was a detriment not a liability. We were allowed to be rude, crude, offensive and obscene - basically we were MEN. Now I'm sure a lot of the touchie-feelies out there will be disgusted with my sensibility, but I simply don't care. Someone has to stand up for the few remaining testicles in this country.

Here I am making light of a serious situation. One of the most serious aspects of this is the way we fight wars. I mean c'mon...putting panties on a prisoner's head is cruel and unusual punishment?!?!? Why don't we just whip them with daisies? Oooh, we could get tough and use roses, thorns and all. Bringing a dog into the prison - torture?!?! I dunno, I always thought of torture as something like battery cables attached to the testicles. Or bamboo shoots under the fingernails. Let's not be wusses here.

Along with this neuterization comes a lack of personal responsibility. This is true in both sexes. Everyone blames everyone else. It seems the "Not Me" gremlin rears it's ugly head all over Washington D.C. and in the national press on an hourly basis these days. It never hurts as much to stand up and be accountable for your actions as it does to cover them with lies and have to live with it.

Now, it sounds like I'm advocating that we revert back to feudalism or barbarianism or the like. Of course not! It's possible to be civil, yet still retain a bit of masculinity in this modern era. But, I'll tell you what, personal accountability was far more prevalent when we all wore six shooters on our hips...

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