Sunday, October 4, 2009

Who Would Figure???

Right when we're in the federal government's greatest grab for power in it's history, the BHO administration very ignorantly relinquished U.S. control over the internet. By not renewing the US government's contract with ICANN they have allowed foreign entities to have a decision-making voice in the way We The People surf the deep dark portals of the net. Unbelievable in a sense, but if you look closely what's happening is simply another bash at national sovereignty. It's bad enough we are (supposedly) led by an apologist, but also by one who is openly flaunting his ineffectiveness on the world stage. Look at how he's been treated by Putin, Ahmedinajihad, Chavez, Sarkozy, the IOC, North Korea, Quadaffi, the list goes on...

Back to the ICANN issue, this is just one more step towards globalization, towards a one world economy, a one world governance, a one world police force, a one world police state...I know that I, for one certainly wouldn't like the same decision making body in China to decide the hows and whats of my internet usage. A good place to start for background on this story is here:

I routinely have to point out that many of the "Great Changes" that BHO & the uber-liberal congress are implementing are ones with far reaching consequences. They are policies that won't be able to be reversed at the ballot box or simply by change of leadership. Including getting an actual REAL president. Regarding the Olympic debacle - The Chicago Sun-Times is blaming the city's loss on George W. Bush. No wonder they're losing readership, they've certainly lost credibility with THAT one...

I don't know what to do. I suppose the right thing would be to try what the valiant citizens of the Honduras are doing. Then maybe Chavez, Putin, Ahmeweenijahd and the others would give BHO the respect on the world stage that he is so desperately seeking. Try that and we'll be overrun with UN troops in a chicago second...

Ya know I've been kinda mean to BHO this time around. It's not really all his fault. He's just implementing a far deeper reaching policy that was pre-ordained far before he ever thought of entering the political universe. Perhaps he should do what he does best. Go back to serving beers and resolving conflicts between the police and grieved citizens. Oh that's right that's what a community organizer does! Right?...

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