Saturday, August 8, 2009

Owww! My Head Hurts...

I guess it's because I'm crazy. Let's see - the left thinks I'm crazy because I believe there's a Constitutional crisis occurring. The Right thinks I'm crazy because I think that these wimpy-ass tea parties aren't the solution to regaining our country (3 months ago I did. Time has proven that belief wrong!). They are merely a way of mollifying the masses so they stay neatly in their place. My wife thinks I'm crazy because she always has. My kids think I'm crazy 'cuz I'm fun. My friends think I'm crazy because they know me well....I guess I am, so if at this point you wish to discontinue reading in order to avoid the "guilt by association" factor, so be it...If not - enjoy the rantings.

Without naming my name, an unnamed right-leaning talking head - oh let's call him Puffy Doughboy - claims that those of us who believe that there are puppet masters behind the scenes pulling the strings of DC and the media are nut cases. He also claims that we should continue to march and hope to save our country at the ballot box in a year. The damage is already done. You can't erase almost a hundred years of setting up for a new world order with one election cycle. C'mon!!! Another - oh, we'll call this one Schill - thinks we're obfuscating matters by wanting to see BHO's birth (and other) records. Another attempt to pacify the growing masses of fed up truth seekers who are getting too close to the facts. Of course they would - they work for said puppet masters. As I've said in the previous blog post, TV is killing our free thought, and these and other individuals who work in this medium are the instruments of our societal decay. No don't get me wrong. I, being a right of center independent, espouse a lot of the principles and ideals that these two targets of my anger purport to stand for. It's just that with their calls for passivity, they are basically asking us to roll over and let it happen, no matter how much they spout otherwise. They keep our nation divided along a right/left dichotomy intended to keep us from the real issues at hand. I mean, do we really need all the hatred and divisiveness of such issues as abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research (to name but a few). I certainly don't want the government telling me what to do with my body (although I believe that abortion for birth control measures is heinous), I don't want the government telling me who I can and can't marry (devout hetero here. I believe in a "don't flaunt it and we won't bother you" policy), and I certainly don't want the government controlling scientific matters when they can't even run the mail deliveries properly. Equal right for all - NOT special rights for any one, specific group. What's wrong with an equal number of liberals and conservatives - either on the Supreme Court or in the legislative branch - getting together and hammering out solutions to problems in a fair and bipartisan manner? THAT would be Fair & Balanced! This smokescreen of division is what keeps the populace from actually maintaining a vigilant eye upon our governing bodies.

Not a single mainstream media pundit has reported on FEMA's NLE2009, which is by no means a conspiracy theory. It actually happened July 27 - 31. An exercise on US population control with foreign troops (From the UK, Canada, Australia and Mexico) on US soil!!! Bend over We The People and take it til it hurts!!! I've not been able to verify the truth of some of these reports, but have read online that: handguns were confiscated in Louisiana, 70,000 were evacuated from their homes in Texas, and intelligence gathering on US citizens (WITHOUT FISA permission) was conducted in ALL 50 states. Where is the outrage here? Is the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor or the death of Michael Jackson or Paula Abdul's leaving American Idol more important than THIS??? Wake the @#%$ up!!! When any government agency practices martial law exercises, one has to wonder what they're preparing for...

It has come to my attention that my exercising of my 1st amendment right to freedom of speech is causing me to be placed on federal watch lists. Well, so be it. Complacency breeds stagnation and I'll stand for neither. Stand For Something or You'll Fall For Anything. How true that phrase is in today's modern era of mollification. Do you expect me to be happy when we have what is essentially a one-party governing system, ramming through an agenda that is design to crumble the very fabric of American society while spending trillions of dollars that put the burden on my unborn as of yet grandchildren??? Should I simply watch as Chuck Schumer calls the US Constitution an "antiquated old document" (his words not mine)??? I think not, and neither should you!!!

One final note. Even though I wasn't gonna mention the Bilderbergers or the CFR or the Trilateral Commission for fear of being branded a conspiracy theorist, I would like to see a panel of five individuals investigate these groups and perhaps even attend a meeting of each in order to confirm or disspell. Ron Paul, Sarah Plain, Michael Savage, Dennis Kusinich, and Ralph Nader. These individuals by virtue of their past and recent actions have proven that they are not beholden to political ideology, but to their own personal code of right and wrong. Now, I may not agree with them, but they have proven that they stand up for what they believe in. For that fact, this panel should investigate everything!!! Caveat: Sarah WILL have to play ball with the puppet masters if she has any hope of occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Oww, my head hurts from all this...I'm sure I had more that I wanted to spout about, but I feel the sudden urge to go build a bunker....

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