Friday, June 26, 2009

Divided We Stand

Divided we stand! That's exactly what the government, Wall street and the media want. They NEED to keep us at each others throats in order to keep us from going for theirs. Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, Gay, Straight, Black, White, Christian, Muslim....As long as we're opposing each other, we won't have time for THEM.

With all the heinous, socialistic governance that has occurred since January, there are certainly as many liberals as there are conservative that have been sold down the river by the great saviour of hope - the messiah of change. I guess he wasn't lying when he promised change. But, instead of changing right to left, he changed up to down. Hell, I don't care what your persuasion, race, creed or political beliefs are - your country is being sold out with the eventual goal of a new world order. This is what happens when the system of checks and balances that our founding fathers built into our government is perverted by an election that is swayed by an agenda-driven media.

If you are able to see through the dense smokescreen that Congress and the BHO administration are constantly maintaining, you'll observe that the apparent marxist agenda is really one of a federal government power grab and one of personal gain. Washington has been itching to absorb authority from the individual states With a majority in the house and senate and control of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Democrats have seen the opportunity to strike hard and fast. As of right now the First, Second, and Fourth amendments are on the chopping block. These are not "conservative" or "liberal" amendments. NO, they are AMERICAN amendments that affect the lives of all of us. If the states end up ceding power to the feds, it won't be just the red states or just the blue states that lose out. It will be all of them - meaning all of US.

I firmly believe that we should join together, put aside whatever squabbles we have (because no matter what they are, they pale in comparison to what's happening now), and take back our country by whatever (legal) means possible. Then we can go back to fightig ideology once we have maintained a country where it is possible to do so.

Think about this: If we had a perfectly divided government - half conservative and half liberal, and both sides got together and hammered out a mutually acceptable agreement every time, we would have the perfect balance. To reiterate one of my often iterated beliefs - term limits are a step in the right direction. We need to keep any single politician from consolidating an unweildy base of power. Just take a look at the careers of Ted Kennedy, Jack Murtha, Charles Rangel, Ted Stevens, or Robert Byrd (eeewww!). Fresh blood is needed in DC.

In the meantime, it certainly doesn't hurt to put some pressure on the libidinous lawmakers that are so adroitly steering the U.S. down the road to third world-dom. To that extent, here are a few phone numbers that everyone should keep close and use whenever you're fed up with the antics that pass as legislating. They Are:

Congressional Switchboard: (866) 340-9281
House Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 or 225-3121
White House: (202) 456-1414

Additionally, The list of contact info for the entire U.S. House Of Representatives can be found here:

There is so much more to say on this matter, but I think those famous the words of the immortal Abe Lincoln sum it up best...United we stand. Divided we fall.

Let's ALL get together and kick some treasonous, socialist ass out of our capitol and take back the land that we love...Have fun with this one!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Oh No!!! The End Of The American Empire!!!

OK, here it goes. On Monday 6/22/09 & Tuesday 6/23/09, the other major world players - Russia, China et al. are having an economic summit to decide on whether to replace the US dollar as the world's currency standard. This meeting will be held in Yekaterinasburg, Russia, where Czar Nicholas & family were executed. There is a very excellent article with all the details that I wouldn't attempt to plagarize at

So add that to the trade deals that China has already struck with Brazil and Malaysia using the Chinese yuan rather than the dollar. Factor in the numerous trade deals between Russia, China, and Iran among others - NOT using the good ol' US greenback. Don't forget Secretary Geithner's open admission that he'd like to see a one world economy ie. financial system/currency. This will have repercussions greater than the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. Perhaps the reason China is allowing North Korea to rattle its nuclear sabre is to create a smokescreen from where the real war is being waged - in the banks !!! Remember, the Korean War never ended. There has been a 53 year cease fire which Kim Jong Il has recently declared null & void. Certainly all these events are related and bear watching with the strategic intensity of a chessmaster.

I'm learning from the politicos that you can attach something onto something else - even if they don't go together. Just like they did with the 108 billion dollar loan to the International Money Fund (IMF) piggybacked onto the war surplus bill ran through congress this past week. This money going to the IMF is supposed to be used to aid the denizens of the third world weather the global economic crisis. What it will really do is triple the coffers of one of the leading proponents of the move away from the US dollar. Essentially funding another enemy. Unless, of course, your viewpoint is one of a globalist bent, in which case you're probably pretty happy about the whole scenario.

My point above about attaching an unrelated supplement was to add on another gripe I have and that would be the administrations manipulation of the media. No sense going into the lovefest between the media and the BHO admin, that's been well covered and more than a little sickening. OK, so he's a likeable guy. I might even like him if he wasn't trampling all over the constitution (1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments on the chopping block as we speak), if he wasn't selling America down the river at every possible opportunity, if he wasn't such an unabashed apologist - putting the negative aspects of 100 years of foreign & domestic policy ahead of the overwhelming positive ones, or if he wasn't such a globalist. But, the it's scary the way they use their own production facilities for certain events and supply the finished product - including captions and all!!! It's also pretty remescient of Hermann Goerhing the way ABC is laying down & rolling over for them for this health care special next week. The media should challenge every administration the way they challenged the Bush admin - minus the viciousness. That's their job. They should be watchdogs not lapdogs. We need to re-infiltrate the media with fair minded, objective journalists. And...Oh, never mind, that's the next blog (I hope)...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Short But Important

David Fox 808-728-6013. David Fox 808-728-6013. This is the guy that has access to BH Obama's birth records. He won't release them. He says he's under a federal gag order. Keep calling and request their release. Now if only we can get the truth about his Occidental College records. Was he or was he not born in Kenya? Did he or did he not apply for student aid to Occidental college as foreign student from Indonesia? We must keep up the pressure for full disclosure...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Where Can I Get One Of Those Passes !?!?

Man, I want one of the passes that Obama, Pelosi, Barney Frank, Jack Murtha et al. are using to get away with the heinous things that they get away with. After a considerable amount of time pondering where I could obtain one, I have finally come up with the answer that it's the press that gives out the passes.

When one is continually bombarded with positive reportage in spite of not-so-positive activity, it's nearly impossible to be objective. Mankind, by nature, desires to conform (well, most of you do anyway). So when more than one source tells you something is true, you want to believe it. When everyone except Fox News and the Wall Street Journal tells you something is true, you almost undoubtably will believe it. Heck, everyone's saying that they think Barack's doing a great job, I'd better say that too. ABC, NBC, CBS, & CNN all say that Obama's qualified to lead the country after only having less than one year of national government experience and no executive experience whatsoever. It MUST be true. Those are the folks in the know right. Apparently not!

While there are lots of pundits ranting about the media lovefest with the Obama administration, nobody wishes to dig deeper than that. The media has and utilizes the power to sway not only the political process, but many aspects of society as well, subtly foisting an extreme leftist agenda upon an unsuspecting populace. This process is not only used in news broadcasts, but in prime time television programs, commercials, documentaries and even children's programming. This is accomplished subtly, relentlessly, and with great determination.

Previously I had identified Jeffrey Immelt CEO of General Electric as one of the "They"s of society. Well, he got a lot to do with this subject as well. If you find this behavior reprehensible, the e-mail him or drop him a written letter at:

Jeffrey Immelt
3135 Easton Tpke.
Fairfield, CT. 06824

Maybe next time I'll Jump on a few more "They"s, like Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council On Foriegn Relations (CFR). A real globalist. If ya think of anyone else for me to pick on, post their names in a comment and I'll Get 'Em. Someone's gotta stand up for We The People...