Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist Papers - No. 78: (in part)
The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them.
Well, that's what ol' Al & the other Founding Dads intended. Didn't happen that way. Nope. The Supreme Court not only has made monumental decisions regarding Constitutional interpretation, but has made decisions in other cases that have swayed public opinion regarding matters of State's right, individual rights, and so on that have directly affected public opinion.
Thomas Jefferson was the original interpreter of the Constitution as a "Living, Breathing" document. He and John Adams were at extreme odds concerning this. Adams believed (As I do) that the Constitution was a fixed document. And a pretty darn good one at that. While the implementation should be flexible to adapt to current times, the basic tenants are solid enough to stand on their own without any manipulations from the Executive, Judicial or legislative branch. Unfortunately, there has been fiddling with the document from all three branches in the ensuing 233 years since its inception. Even worse, public opinion - not public votes - have swayed all three branches of the government to in one way or another gradually curtail the rights of We The People under the guise of "modern" interpretations of the different sections of the Constitution. Generally, when the term "public opinion" is used you can be sure the media has a hand in it. THAT'S where we tie this mini-primer of Constitutional interpretation back to THEY. The media and its moguls I've previously pointed an accusing finger at Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric as a media manipulator. He's just one of several with an agenda and he uses his position of power over the NBC family to foist it upon a public that doesn't have the time - and in many case the wherewithal to digest the fact from the fluff in the news broadcasts that they expect to contain truth. Hence, the more people believe that an agenda is a popular and accepted practice or belief, they subscribe to that train of thought and thus, another agenda becomes mainstreamed. While opposition should be mounted against any attempt to muzzle the media that I am now raving about, the members of the press should learn to exercise restraint and responsibility concerning the stories they report upon lest they create a situation where they risk curtailment. Do we really need to know about interrogation techniques or plans for conducting a war. Do we really need to know all the stupid, tittilating minutae that is force fed us to fill up air time, generate advertising revenues and blind us to the real issues. I don't think we do, but THEY want us to. THEY operate best under cover of a good smokescreen. THEY understand that it is easier and more effective to sway public opinion that to oppose it. THEY have infiltrated the media, the universities and the governments of all levels with their minions. THEY are pushing us further and further toward a one-world globalized economy and government. THEY are causing ME to rant & rave again. Oh well, that's what this blog is for...
'Til the next time...